We are delighted to welcome Dr Stephen Gilligan back to Edinburgh where he will be teaching The Hero’s Journey.

Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D., is a Psychologist in Encinitas, CA. He was one of the original NLP students at UC Santa Cruz; Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson were his mentors. After receiving his psychology doctorate from Stanford University, he became one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. This work unfolded into his original approaches of Self-Relations and Generative Self. Over the past ten years, this has been further developed with Robert Dilts into Generative Coaching.
He has taught in many different cultures and countries over the past 30 years, and has published extensively. His numerous books include “The Hero’s Journey: A voyage of self discovery” (co-authored with Robert Dilts).the classic “Therapeutic trances,” “The courage to love,” “The legacy of Erickson,” and “Walking in two worlds” (w. D. Simon). His newest book is “Generative Trance: The experience of Creative Flow,” and he and Robert Dilts are co-authors of the forthcoming “Generative Coaching”. His website is www.StephenGilligan.com.
The Hero’s Journey 4-Day workshopMore than ever, the worlds needs passionate, creative people and communiites. This workshop explores how to live in such a way, based on the ground-breaking Hero’s Journey work developed by Joseph Campbell. In this journey, a person senses and acts on a life calling, using this deep connection to create an extraordinary path through the world. Such a life requires full commitment and surrender to life, as well as intensive self-development. The training invites each participant to make such a commitment, and explores the generative methods by which life dreams can become real. The structure of the course follows 8 steps of the Hero’s Journey:
- Hear the call: Live your dream
- Commit to the call: Take full responsibiility for your life
- Prepare for the Journey: Self training
- Cross the Threshold: Open beyond the Ego
- Walk the path: Take creative action
- Find guardians/guides: Develop resources
- Tame the dragon: Transform negativity
- Bring it back home: Pass it on to others
The general steps of the journey will be explored in a series of intensive exercises, demonstrations, and group processes designed to awaken your consciousness to experience more love, exceptional creativity, and positive living. You will be both challenged and supported in this intensive process, and also receive guidance in how to coach others on such journeys.
This workshop is open to everyone regardless of experience.
If you would like to discuss whether it is suitable for you please feel free to contact Avril 07701 096006 or e-mail The Hero's Journey Booking!
Listen to Stephen Gilligan talking about the Hero’s Journey.
Dr Gilligan is well known world-wide for his work in the field of generative change.
This workshop is open to anyone wishing to explore his work.
We are open for booking!
Next Generative Trance Practice Group - Saturday 6th May Edinburgh - Details...